
What is MiniRoos?

MiniRoos is designed for kids of all abilities, aged 5-11 years. The nation-wide initiative uses short, game-based sessions to introduce the sport of football to newcomers in an inclusive way. It focuses on learning new skills, being active, making life-long friends and, potentially, unearthing the next generation of Socceroos or Matildas.

You can download the official MiniRoos Parent Information Pack here.

Being a family-focused club, MiniRoos is an important part of Boomers FC. We run the MiniRoos Club Football program which involves one training night per week (Thursdays), and one game day (Saturdays) following the playing format and rules outlined here.


Registration is open for 2025. The cost to register for the entire season (training and games) is $150. 

For NSW residents, you can apply for an Active Kids Voucher on the Service NSW website

Register your child with the age they turn this year. For example:

  • A child turning 10 years this year register U/10
  • A child turning 5 years this year register U/5

MiniRoos Co-ordinator

The 2025 Boomers FC MiniRoos Co-ordinator is Ryan Van Grinsven. You can contact Ryan at


The MiniRoos coaching team is led by Ryan Van Grinsven, Matt Burt, Stephen Hayes, and Adam Griffith (all Football Federation Australia C Licence-accredited coaches), and supported by community-qualified coaches.

Parent volunteers are very welcome to join in at training, to support the coaching team, and on game day to help lead the games.


Training for the Girls-only teams will be held on Wednesday evenings from 5:30pm to 6:15pm. Boys and mixed teams will be held on  Thursday evenings from 5:30pm to 6:15pm. Both at Glen Park, Glenroy (Albury).

It is a requirement that all children are supervised by a parent or guardian.

Game day

Game days are run by Albury Wodonga Football Association (AWFA) and held on Saturdays from 12:30pm to 2:30pm. Games will be run at Jelbart Park, Willow Park, and Alexandra Park.  

    Each week a different club hosts the BBQ and canteen, as well as managing the setup and pack up. Your support and assistance on these days will be greatly appreciated!

    What to wear/bring

    • Football boots
    • Shin guards
    • Drink bottle
    • At training, wear comfortable sportswear. 
    • On game day, players will be required to wear Boomers attire: shirts, shorts, and socks. These are purchased prior to the season starting at the clubroom at Glen Park. 

    Facebook page

    To keep up-to-date with everything Boomers FC and MiniRoos, including wet weather announcements and updates don't forget to ‘like’ our page on Facebook.

    Boomers on Facebook

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    Bertazzo Engineered
